Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

Why Being Cozy, Calm, and Confident in Labour Matters

Labour is a unique, transformative experience—one that requires not just physical strength but a calm, focused mindset. When you're cozy, calm, and confident, your body and mind can work together in harmony, allowing you to enter "labour land"—a deeply instinctive and powerful state that supports the natural flow of birth.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

Birth Story - The birth of Oliver

Bringing a new life into the world is magical experience, each and every birth experience is unique. I’m delighted to share this beautifully cozy and personal birth story of a family who recently took my private hypnobirthing classes which helped them welcome their little one in a gentle, empowering way. Lucy, James, and their newborn son, Oliver, had an incredible journey that, despite its challenges, has left them with precious memories they will carry forever.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

5 Essential things to pack that you may not have thought about

Have you packed your bag yet? I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the obvious things to pack for you and for your new baby. Here are 5 things that you may not have thought about putting in there!

  • Extra Long Phone Charger: Hospital beds may be far from the plug sockets and the plug sockets nearest may have hospital equipment in them. A long phone charger ensures you can keep your devices powered and within reach. A portable charger may be useful too.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

10 things your baby will need

Wondering what to buy for your newborn? Look right here for the top ten essential items a newborn baby will need.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

5 ways to slow down this Christmas

As the crisp winter air wraps around us like a comforting blanket, there's something magical about the journey of motherhood during this cozy season. Today, I’m going to encourage you to slow down a bit. And I know if you have older children that’s hard, its so easy to get caught up in their excitement. So I’m going to ask you to find some joy in these little moments, to stop and appreciate them. The flash by so quickly. If you are expecting a baby the art of slow living, finding joy in the little moments, and embracing the warmth that comes with this special time in your life, is such a blessing that is so easily missed, in the hustle and bustle of Christmas Parties, nights out (because its your last for a while) and the pressure that goes with that…

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

How to book a Midwife appointment

Congratulations on your positive pregnancy test! I’m Gill From Your Cozy Birth and I’m a local hypnobirthing teacher. I get a lot of calls asking me how to book with maternity services and so I thought I’d post you some links. To book to have your baby in Rotherham you have two choices…

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

Useful Websites

click here for useful websites and information for pregnancy and beyond

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Labour Gill Marchant Labour Gill Marchant

This is what a comb is really for!

Alright, so let's talk about labour pain – it's no joke! But guess what? There's a nifty trick that might just make it a tad more bearable, and it involves a humble wide-toothed comb. Yep, you read that right! In this post, we're going to take a look at how this simple tool can be a game-changer for when you are in labour.

Getting to know your labour.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

5 of the best tips for labouring at home.

There is a very good chance that you will spend the majority of your labour at home. The ideal environment for this is more than just a physical space; it's a carefully crafted sanctuary that fosters a sense of warmth, peace, and comfort.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

This is why you should cream your tummy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful journey, but its not all sweetness and light. Its uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful. It can cause itching as your skin stretches and stretch marks can result. I’m going to show you some of the things you can do to help. and show you some additional benefits…

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant


Wistfully Waiting - that period of time when you are ready to meet your baby, but your baby is not quite ready to meet you.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

Who should I tell when I go into labour?

Should you be telling anyone that you are in Labour at all? Or are you planning to give birth in a Party atmosphere? Who should you tell?

I choose not to tell anyone in my family that I was in labour the first time around (admittedly it was before the days of the internet, but still the phone worked!). They had all asked me to let them know. It wasn’t a decision that I had even thought about until they all started asking.

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Gill Marchant Gill Marchant

What is PAPP-A

What is PAPP-A? what implications does it have for pregnancy? Why does PAPP-A matter?

The PAPP-A bloods are an optional blood test taken at your first scan as part of the Genetic Screening…….

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